Good Morning! We are open for all classes today. Drive carefully and we will see you soon!

Easter break 2025

The studio will be closed April 17-21 inclusive for Easter Break. With dance exams, competitions, and our year end recitals, we always take a short Easter break. The studio will re-open for all classes on April 22.

35th anniversary recitals!

Planning is well underway for our 35th anniversary recitals June 1-4 at the Arts & Culture Centre. Ticket information along with what night(s) your dancer is performing is coming soon.

Check back soon for information regarding summer camps and pre-registration for Fall 2025!


The Sorensen School of Dance is an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) protected facility. We are very pleased to have this very important, life saving piece of equipment at our dance school.



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